Our mission is to provide expert, comprehensive services in Southeast Michigan so that children who are impacted by abuse and neglect
are able to make unique contributions to their communities.

Judson Center Afilliation
As of January 1, 2015 Child Safe Michigan is an affiliate of the Judson Center. We work together with a common goal so we are better able to provide for the needs of the children and families we serve. By sharing management capabilities and resources we have created an innovative partnership to better serve our consumers.
Judson Center has four main areas of focus but we work together in Child Welfare towards our shared vision which is:
Child Safe Michigan and Judson Center believe that we can change the lives of disadvantaged children forever by providing them with the opportunities to live in a safe environment, fully participate in a family life that is supportive, nurturing and provides a place to grow so they can successfully transition into adulthood.
Child Safe Michigan is Licensed by the State of Michigan Department of Human Services to provide foster care and adoption services.
Child Safe Michigan is accredited by the Council on Accreditation.